Monday, May 3, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill: Obama Promises Help as Disaster Worsens

"During his short visit in Louisiana, Obama acknowledged the risk to what he called "one of the richest and most beautiful ecosystems on the planet." And he promised to make the Gulf Coast - still recovering from a series of hurricanes, including Katrina in 2005 - whole once again. "We're going to do everything in our power to protect our natural resources, compensate those who have been harmed, rebuild what has been damaged and help this region persevere," he said. But with the spill going from bad to worse to potentially catastrophic in just a few days, Obama -and everyone involved in the response - has his work cut out for him."

I don't know about you, but I think the only person that will actually be able to help reverse this global catastrophy is Captain Planet!
Click on heading for full article (Times).
Durban's Gossip Girl...xoxo

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