Robert Downey Jr. has made a comeback with a bang of note. This brilliant suave actor who at some point in history had us all fooled into believing that he was on a one way ticket to loserville filled with drugs and self loath has slowly risen from the smokes of a train wreck to prove us all wrong. Mr. Downey Jr. has never ceased to amaze me in terms of his acting abilities. “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” and “Tropic Thunder” are two films worth watching which showcases his talent and abilities as a method actor.
Polished, sophisticated and devilishly handsome, Mr. Downey Jr. brings Tony Starks marvel comic character to a whole new league of awesomeness. Gwen and Scarlett, both A-list actresses are sure to contribute to the movie with their presence however in short, let’s be honest, Robert owns this movie.
Iron Man 2 premieres at the Suncoast cinema, Durban, this Thursday, 29th April 2010.
News just in: Iron Man 2 – Official After Party hosted by CafĂ© Vacca Matta at Suncoast, Durban, Thursday, 29th April 2010. Be there for some prizes up for grabs and other surprises (as rumoured)… xoxo Durban’s Gossip Girl
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